Handmade Wooden Bookmark-CBM00016
If you are a book lover, art enthusiast, and trying to add more colors in your life, this bookmark is for you. We’ve made this product with great efforts. These are original, uniquely painted bookmarks, one matches with no other item in this model. So, treat them as mini paintings.
Chithranjali wants to add a small piece of joy to your reading through these painted handmade bookmarks.
Sticking anything on the bookmark can spoil the painting on wood. You can clean the bookmark with minimal water (sprinkle little amount), and rub it with fingers gently to remove stains if any happen.
Don't heat or pour alcoholic contents on the bookmark. If, unfortunately, anything stuck on the bookmark (like tape, or glossy paper) don’t panic, just sprinkle a bit water and try to remove the sticky thing.